Thursday, December 8, 2016

Thursday-The Pools

On Thursday all the year 5+6 had to wake up at 6:30 and had to do boot camp. Boot camp is like fitness. What we did for fitness, is we had to do two laps around the field and we did running around cons for. When we got in the hall we got all of our things packed up and we put them into our classrooms.

After that the teachers did the roll and then we got to the pools in 15 minutes, when we got there all of us got in our togs and we went and sat down on the ground to listen to the rules from the lifeguard. When the lifeguard had finished the rules they let us of for a swim and the first thing I did was go in the deep pool and do manus and swimming with Econa, after we finished that we went on the inflatable castle and had races. We had finished racing each other and went back in the spar pool and it was hot.

After all of the then it was morning tea we all had something to eat and went back in the pool but I went on the slide. Then it was time to go so I got back in my clothes and went on the bus.
Wednesday Night-The Sleep Over

On Wednesday night we the year 5+6 had a sleepover, and what we did was get our beds in place. After that we had some afternoon tea which was some unhealthy food and then we played spot light it was fun and on the 1st round I hid with Poura and on the 2end round I hid with Aiden.H and Kaizen.

When we finished playing spot light we got tolled to lay down in bed and watch a movie and something embarrassing was that Azaliah was trying to wake me up and I was snoring.When we were playing spot light I didn’t torch so I had to find my fay back by following the lights but I didn’t need to do that because I know where everything is in the school. It was also scary because on the first one I saw something but I was just seeing things.

When I was hiding by myself I tripped over and banged my head and it hurt but not that much. I banged my head on the digger weils. When we got back in the hall my friends and I sat down and when I sat down my bed broke so I had to fix it again because when I first got in, the hall at 5:45 we set up my bed and when my mum went and I moved it next to my friends it broke.
Wednesday-Te Papa

On Wednesday we went to Te Papa and Nga te toa sound and vision. In the morning we all had hui and got on the bus to go to Te papa. What I saw and learnt, what i saw was a man doing the manakin challenge and I saw some very interesting art work it was the blood hot volcano art work.

What I learnt was that Te Papa was that Te Rauparaha was a taniwha. After we finished at Te Papa we sat on the floor outside and we had to wait for the bus and eat lunch it was cold outside aswell because I had no jersey.

What I liked about this apartment was that it had a lot things of what the people did like find bones and put them together like this horse that I saw.

Wednesday-Nga Te Toa Sound And Vision

On Wednesday we also went to Nga te toa sound and vision. What we did when we got there was, we had to go inside and sit on chairs and listen to the man so he could tell us we weren't and what we were allowed to do. When he finished explaining the rules we layed back and watched these old videos and had what it looked like back in the days.

In 1950 the men started building hotels and bigger house they also had T.V but the screens were black and white. The man that whase teaching us showed us these taps and they were big small and midium the old people that watched T.V used the taps that the man was showing us.

What I liked about the apartment was that every time the man talked everyone around me never talked and I could listen and I also fell asleep during some of the bits so I missed out on some of it and I was interested in watching it but there was heaps we sat for 1 hour and a half.
Tuesday-Survival Day

On Tuesday we had survival day. The events we did was how to survive with an injury, card and cube making, what you need to survive, order of what you need in space and the fun station. When I did card and cube making I made a christmas card for my cousin and the present I got him was a pink christmas tree, and i managed to make a cube, on 1 side each of the cube I rote, 30 laps around the field, Caleb’s cube, 3 minutes doing the bear crawl, 50 star jumps, 5 minutes of burpees and 20 press ups.

The people that were in my group was Faith, Livinia, Hibiscus, Micao and more people who I forgot. The stuff I put down on a piece of paper was a first aid kit and torch and batteries, food/candy yum, water, clothes and some tissues and towels, flannels.

We also learnt that when you have to survive when you have no house and you have no first aid kit and you're hurt use some newspaper, and if you can't help another person steel from the shop or get someone else to help.

When we played games with Miss Bruess Mcbride the games were cord,
  1. XO
  2. Stepping stones

These are the games that we did with Miss Bruess Mcbride.
Monday- The Lagoon

On Monday the year 5+6 went  to the Lagoon. What we did in the morning was go outside and we had hui so the teachers could tell us
what to do. After that we went out of the school grounds and went to walk down to the Lagoon we had to cross the road 4 times and it was tiring.

When we got to the Lagoon we had to sit down on the grass next to the park and listen to the teachers they tolled us where we were allowed to go and where we weren't allowed to go. When the teachers finished explaining the rules they let us of to play and I went and played soccer and showed miss Hills a trick but I failed.

After that I went and played ball tag with D´metries, Livinya, Merrerena and Tiare. After we did 21 on who is going to be the person that is going to be in I went and climbed the red rope tower thing and the person in tried to get me but i dodged, all the shots and they went and climbed the tower to try get me coldent.